Firefox module changes

Shaver posted about this in dev.apps.firefox last week, but I thought it might bear repeating to the Planet audience: as of last week, the Firefox module has a new module owner (yours truly), and a new review policy.

The new review policy is explained in detail on the Wiki. As part of this change, there is now a larger set of people deemed “Firefox reviewers“, and a new policy for nominating reviewers. Together these changes will hopefully address the review bandwidth issues we’ve been having.

Because the Firefox module is relatively large and covers many different code areas, Firefox reviewers are expected to know their areas of expertise, and not be shy about redirecting requests to a more suitable reviewer, if applicable. The wiki page also goes on in detail about what r+ means in the Firefox module – a handy list to review for new and old reviewers alike.

Please, send me email if anything on that page isn’t clear, or if you think anything (or anyone!) is missing!

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