On Monday I finally landed the new “PopupNotifications” JS module, used to display popup-style notifications (as discussed earlier). Since then I’ve spent some time fixing followups, but there’s still a bunch of work to be done (including fleshing out the MDC documentation and trying to find help making menu-buttons nicer). Dave‘s already got a patch up to use the new notifications for the Addons Manager, and Robert is working on getting them working in SeaMonkey.
I completed some reviews, including some for relatively exciting patches from Dão:
- Turning on and fixing the position of the “Firefox” menu button on Windows Vista/7
- Making tabs-on-top the default on Windows (see Alex’s post for more details)
I also spent a bit of time reviewing fixes for dolske‘s prompting code rewrite that landed last week as well as cleaning up the new HUD panel‘s styling.
Next week, I plan on trying to wrap up as much of the notification-related stuff as possible, and move on to getting some patches up for the Account Manager work. Also need to do a bit of prep for the Summit which is coming up quickly!